
Monday, January 12, 2009

Two Shall Become One-"My Beloved"

Last week I committed to take on a new A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E towards my marriage relationship. However, there were numerous times this past week, that I caught myself starting to nag or be critical of my husband's actions, only to think of King Solomon's words in Proverbs 31:10-31.

"She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises."

"First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started."

"...she always faces tomorrow with a smile."

Let's be honest! Calling all women AND men who have been married for 10 years or longer. Your expertise is warranted. Please take the poll in my right sidebar, which reads, "Do you still..." You may vote/comment until next Monday, January 19th. Results will be given in next week's Two Shall Become One Tuesday's post.

A person's attitude says so much. Therefore, I decided to stop and look at MYSELF before taking another step on my journey this week. I found I was so caught up in how my husband needed to change that I never considered if I needed to change! I talked to God, asking Him what I needed to do to change; how I could change; and what needed changing. It was a time of self-reflection and not an easy one at that.

I soon realized I was looking to my husband for things he could not humanly give me. I expected him to be my "everything" and when he wasn't, it caused a rift in our marriage. See, I was longing for an earthly beloved to "make it all better" when I already had a beloved who loved me far more and deeper than I could ever comprehend. I've never thought of my relationship with Jesus this way, but how I've been blessed in doing so.

1 comment:

ginabad said...

10 years of marriage gives me "expertise"? lol!!

I was saddened by the results of your poll, but I hope it's still early. (O% said yes). I did say sometimes. It's hard, but I am hearing lots of advice, from all sorts of places, that the ONLY person you can change in a relationship is yourself. That's what I'm trying to do.

I try to treat Chris as good as in the beginning but it really is hard. I think the definition of what is "good" has changed as we've grown as people. Surely not an easy call, but one every married person should strive for.